April 20, 2012

TIBAI - What A Catchy Name!

Election fever is definitely in the air now.

Actually, I never intended for my blog to be a political one. However, the latest news in the political front really caught my attention - that is the establishment of an organization called 'TIBAI', which if we translate it into English means 'Bash Up'. Hehe.... 

TIBAI is actually an acronym made up from Malay words:

'Tolak Individu Bernama Anwar Ibrahim',

Translated in English as 'Denounce That Individual Named Anwar Ibrahim'.

And that individual being referred to in the acronym is none other than Anwar Ibrahim, the current opposition leader in the Malaysian politics.

The ironic thing about this is - TIBAI is not formed by Anwar's political enemies, but it is actually formed by people who used to be strong supporters of Anwar Ibrahim. Some of them have gone through hardship and have even been arrested for the violence they participated in support of Anwar Ibrahim before. 

Well, of course NOW they can consider themselves as Anwar's political enemies.

Big names in the leadership of TIBAI includes... 

Zaid Md Arip 
(Ex-PKR member and a strong reformist since the 'Reformasi' era in 1998)

Senator Ezam Mohd Noor 
(Ex-PKR Youth Chief and one of the founder of PKR)

YB Zulkifli Nordin 
(Kulim-Bandar Baru MP, who is also one of the lawyer who defended Anwar Ibrahim in his sodomy case in 1998)

Datuk S Nalakaruppan 
(Long time friend to Anwar Ibrahim)

YB Wee Chong Keong 
(Wangsa Maju MP) 

Anuar Shaari 
(Ex-PKR member and former Private Secretary to Anwar Ibrahim)

Ruslan Kassim 
(Ex-PKR Information Chief)

Aminah Abdullah 
(Ex-PKR Woman Chief in Penang)

Rahimi Osman 
(Former assistance to Anwar Ibrahim)

Actually, for political observers in Malaysia, the formation of TIBAI news did not really come as a big surprise. But the name is very catchy indeed!

It is a known fact that the opposition, especially PKR, has been hit with leadership crisis since a few years ago, which saw many of their top guns abandoning the party.

Anwar's personal problems like the sodomy case and the video (purportedly) showing him having sex with a Chinese prostitute, be it politically-motivated or not, did not help the worsening situation of his party.

Anwar Ibrahim is indeed a public figure in Malaysia, who needs very little introduction. His rebellious nature is well-known to friends and foes since the 70s, where he often led his fellow university students to protest against the government. 

But his stand against the government later changed drasticcally when the then Education Minister, Datuk Seri Dr Mahathir (now Tun) took a bold move to invite Anwar into UMNO. Mahathir's move raised eye brows among friends and foes alike. And Anwar's decision to accept Dr Mahathir's invitation shocked them even more. Overnight, Anwar's protest against the government has suddenly changed to being a strong support.

Anwar's support for Dr Mahathir and  the BN government was so strong that his political rivals at that time, who are members of PAS and DAP, labelled him as Ultra-Malay! And  Anwar in return labelled PAS and DAP as extremist!

When Dr Mahathir became the 4th Prime Minister, Anwar was also making his way up the ranks of UMNO and eventually landed himself in the Deputy Premier seat after his controversial victory against the late Tun Ghaffar Baba.

Anwar was seen as the political son to Dr Mahathir and Anwar was set to take over the premiership from his 'father' to become the next Prime Minister, when the un-thinkable happened - Rumors of Anwar's sexual orientation surfaced!!

The rumors started from among the oppositions when PAS member, Mat Sabu, called Anwar as 'Anwar Al-Juburi' in one of his ceramah. This was then echoed by other opposition leaders like Lim Kit Siang and Karpal Singh. They demanded for Anwar's removal from the Malaysian cabinet.

The rumors grew stronger by the day and it finally penetrated into UMNO. This led to a historical event in Malaysian politics, when Dr Mahathir sacked Anwar in 1998 as the Deputy Prime Minister and removed him from the cabinet and UMNO as well.

Everyone remembered how irony that episode was -- Anwar was sacked by the very person who invited him into UMNO and helped him up the rank -- his very own political father -- Dr Mahathir.

It reminded everyone of the ever popular film "Anakku Sazali", by the lagendary P Ramlee.

That marked another turning point in Anwar political life. And like before, within overnight, his stand on the government changes drastically once again. PAS and DAP leaders, who used to label him as 'Anwar Al-Juburi' and who started the whole rumors about Anwar's sexual orientation, has now become his political ally.

While his former friends and allies, who have been with him throughout the many changes in his political life has now formed TIBAI, which aims to expose the 'Real Anwar' to Malaysian and the world.

Let's see what they have got hidden in the closet......

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