April 17, 2012


I am very delighted today when I opened my blog and I realized that my blog have hit 1,000 pageviews today, which is less than a month since I started. This number may not seem very big as compared to the likes of celebrities blogs, but every visit means a lot to me and I would want to make your visit as meaningful as possible. I thank you for your support! :)

I started my blog less than a month ago on 21 March, simply out of interest to put my thoughts into written words. My tag line is "capturing the moments on matters that matters to me..". Hence the reason I name my blog as MY WORLD. 

My first entry was 'Entering the Blogging world' (To read that entry, click here)

And I have been writing ever since. But I noticed that a few of my entries received more visitors than others. Some popular ones includes:

  • The news about the death of the Prince of Perak (click here)
  • My own experience of being part of a passerby effect (click here)
  • A friend's nightmare of being accused of someone else's crime (click here)

As I browse through other blogs, I realized that many bloggers has their own blog identity and they write about topics that relates to that identity - be it about family, social, politics, education, news or entertainment. 

But I have to admit that I am yet to find my true identity in this blogging world. So, I continue to write about topics that comes to my mind - randomly. If you have any suggestion on what you think I should write about - simply drop me a line.

Once again thank you for your support. 

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