April 26, 2012


Some of my favorite TV series are the investigation kind. CSI, Law & Order, Castle and NCIS to name a few. I am always drawn into how the cases were investigated and the twists and dramas of those TV series. Sometimes the twist are so mind-boggling that it made me said "Whatttt???" : )

But this post is NOT about the TV series - it is about a real story of a twisted death. Those TV series are obviously fiction, but have you ever wonder how close those TV series are to our real life?

A friend of mine, Heni, recently shared a story she found in some magazine titled "Murder or Suicide". The story is so twisted that I had to read it twice to fully understand what happened. 

Let me try to put it in my own words...

It's a story about a man named Ronald Opus, who tried to commit suicide by jumping off the top of a 10-story building. Ronald left a suicide note indicating what he was about to do and then he jumped!

Was he successful in his suicide attempt? Yes, but not as how he had intended it to be.

Twist 1: When Ronald jumped off that 10-story building, he had no idea that a safety net have just been installed below the 8th floor to protect some building workers.

Phew!! So, the safety net that was installed should have saved Ronald's life, right? 

Twist 2: The safety net should have saved Ronald's life, BUT.... while he was falling passed the 9th floor, a bullet passed through the window and hit him, causing him to die an instant death while his lifeless body continued to land softly on the safety net.

Police investigation later reveals that an elderly man was arguing with his wife at the 9th floor at the time Ronald jumped off the building. The elderly man had a shotgun pointed at his wife while they vigorously argued. Out of rage, the elderly man suddenly pulled the trigger and the shotgun exploded. The bullet, however, missed his wife completely and went through the window instead, just as Ronald Opus passes by their window. What a timing!!

When police questioned the elderly couple later, they were both adamant that the shotgun was not loaded. The elderly man admitted that he has a long standing habit of threatening his wife with an unloaded shotgun every time they argue. A habit that his wife has gotten used to and she confirmed her husband's story. They were both surprised when the shotgun fired that day. The elderly man don't remember ever loading the shotgun.

So who loaded the gun??

Twist 3: When police investigate the case further, a witness confirmed that he saw the couple's son loading the gun 6 weeks prior to the fatal incident. It was later learned that the mother had cut her son off any financial support. The son is obviously furious about that and knowing his father's bad habit of threatening his mother with the shotgun every time they argue, the son loaded the gun with the hope that his father would one day pull the trigger and kill his mother.

Now, are you ready for the final twist??

Twist 4: The final twist in this story is a real killer. Further investigation reveals that the elderly couple's son was indeed Ronald Opus!!! 

Due to financial stress and his continued failure to engineer his mother's murder has led Ronald to jump off the 10-story building, but only to be killed by the very bullet he himself have loaded into his father's shotgun.

The case was classified as suicide, but NOT as how it was intended to be.

Twisted isn't it???


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