April 30, 2012


These images above are definitely NOT a Malaysian culture. We are a multi-racial, multi-religion nation, who have learnt to accept and tolarate each other for at least half a century since MERDEKA. Why bring in a negative foreign culture?

I really don't get what BERSIH is trying to achieve by bringing in this culture of riot into our blessed nation. Clean and Fair election... how?? Through violence and creating unrest among the people?? Well, let's recall the last General Election (GE12) in 2008 and try to understand what are they really protesting about.

During GE-12 in 2008, the ruling party BN (although not defeated) suffered a rather humiliating result. 

  • BN lost control of two money-making states, which are Selangor and Penang. 
  • They also lost two culturally-rich states, which are Perak and Kedah. 
  • They failed to regain control of Kelantan 
  • Thay would also have lost Kuala Lumpur, if it's not for Kuala Lumpur being a federal territory. 
  • In that same election, BN saw some of their political giants fell, including Datuk Seri S Samy Velu (The then President of MIC, who was also Road and Transport Minister), Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon (The then President of Gerakan, who was also Chief Minister of Penang).
  • BN also lost their two-third majority in parliment, which they have enjoyed since independance.
I wonder why BERSIH or the opposition parties did not protest these results? If we claimed that the election is not clean and fair, then it should also be the same for elections in Selangor, Penang, Perak, Kedah, Kelantan and Kuala Lumpur. Why recognize the results where Pakatan Rakyat (PR) won and don't recognize the result where PR lost? If we are really protesting a 'corrupt' system. We should not even be in that system. We should demand for the system to be changed. Why participate in the system - support it if we won, protest against it if we lose?? Isn't that hypocrisy? 

A special body have also been setup to review and suggest improvement plans for our current election mechanics, all of what BERSIH 2.0 has demanded for. The opposition leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, is also part of that special body.

What are their demands?

2011 BERSIH 2.0 - demanded for these 8 items.

1. Clean up the Electoral List - Demand Met! Election Commission (EC) have done a massive clean up in the electoral list. Ironically, areas that seem to have a high number of discrepencies are those areas that PR won in the last election. EC have also been asking for list of discrepencies for the public if they pick up any, so EC can look into it. At the same time, EC have agreed to fully enforce the current law to punish those who gave false perticulars to vote.

2. Reform the Postal Votes - Demand Met! Malaysian Citizen can now vote from abroad if there resides outside of Malaysia.

3. Usage of the Permanent Ink - Demand Met! EC have already approved this and it will be used in the up coming election.

4. Press and Media Freedom - Demand Met! EC have agreed to give media access to all parties and candidates who is taking part in the election.

5. Extend the campaign period to a minimum 21 days - Demand Met! Although not to 21 days, but EC have agreed to extend the campaigning period from current 7 days to 10 days.

6. Improve Public Institutions - Demand Met! Although this is not directly related to election mechanics, but continuous visible efforts have been put in place to improve all public institutions.

7. Eliminate Corruption - Demand Met! Although this is not directly related to election mechanics, but government have always been serious about this. It is more obvious when recently many high profile cases have been brought to court and many monitoring system have also been put in place to combat corruptions.

8. Stop Dirty Politics - Unsure what this demand is referring to?

2012 BERSIH 3.0 - And what are their demands?

Same demands!? Why are they demanding for things that has already been met??

It is clear now that BERSIH has very little to do with election. This really got people asking, what are they ACTUALLY protesting about? What is the hidden agenda behind that yellow banner? 

Here's a theory - The person leading the BERSIH is none other then Datuk Ambiga, who many believed to have ulterior motives (even beyond politics) to bring in the sexual freedom into Malaysia under the umbrella of Sexualiti Merdeka. Maybe she knows that if the opposition is successful in capturing Putrajaya and form the federal government, then Sexualiti Merdeka will definitely be welcomed into the country on a red carpet.

In a press statement, Ambiga tried to be politically-correct by saying :

"I am mindful of the position of the major religions as to the issue of homosexuality. But this does not mean that we cannot show understanding and sensitivity to a marginalized community who suffer oppression and mental and even physical abuse, because of who they are. It does not mean that we have a right to treat them badly and to attack them mercilessly. It doesn't mean that they have no right.  The recent reaction (even to the extent of calling them animals) underscores precisely the point"

 (To read Ambiga's full press statement, click here)

Here's a text message from one of the participant of BERSIH, proving its link to Sexualiti Merdeka.

I wrote about Sexualiti Merdeka and LGBT group a few weeks ago in my blog. And my stand on that is very clear. Here's what I would say to Datuk Ambiga...

Dear Ambiga, 
No one is talking about their right to own a house in Malaysia, no one is talking about their right to earn an honest living, no one is talking about their right to vote, no one is talking about their right to travel, no one is talking about their right to shop or cook or make friends. They continue to enjoy those rights!

But we are denouncing their so-called 'right' to practice and promote homosexual in a nation that denouces homosexuality!! How can we support something that Allah and His prophets has already denounced clearly?? By you suggesting that we accept this is already an insult!!

(To read my article about Sexualiti Merdeka and LGBT, click here).

Opposition Leader, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim is also in the frontline to support Ambiga in her cause. But instead of riding on BERSIH for his own political milage last Saturday, Anwar was caught on video as the person responsible for turning the rally from a peaceful one into a violence one.

Watch this..............

The video showed the protestors group on one side were chanting peacefully and the police group on the other side were just looking. Both groups were devided by police barricade and the situation were under control.

Until Anwar signaled to PKR Deputy President, Azmin Ali to breach the police barricade, which Azmin did!! And all hell broke lose after that. Police had to then resort to Water Canon and Tear Gas to disburse the out-of-control crowd. So, those stories we hear saying that the the violence were triggered by police SBs posing themselves as BERSIH crowd, were completely false.

Unless if we are saying that Anwar and Azmin are police SBs!! Hmmmm.... are they??

During a press conference later, Anwar was openly questioned by one participant of BERSIH itself. Questions that Anwar find it difficult to answer.

Watch this.................

This is definitely NOT a Malaysian culture!


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