April 9, 2012

PASSERBY EFFECT - Would you help?

Earlier today, I was driving near my house. It was raining and it was rush-hour at around 6pm. As I stopped at a traffic light, I noticed a few men trying to forced open a Honda Civic car, which was already attached to a tow truck.

My immediate reaction was
"Poor thing. His car broke down during a rainy day and in a heavy traffic!"

While waiting for the traffic light to turn green, I continue to watch them. But suddenly a thought came to my mind. What if... What if these men are actually car thieves? The car was already on a tow truck, why don't they tow the car to a workshop, before 'processing' the car? Why do it in the rain?

The light turned green and I drove off to my destination.

But my mind continued to play that brief scenario I just saw and I continued to guess WHAT IF.... Should I have stopped and make sure that the owner of the car is also present? Should I have called the police? Did I just become part of the "passer by effect"?

What would you do? Would you stop and ask?


Well, let me share some stories about "Passerby Effect"

Horrifying footage of a 2-year-old girl in China being run over by two separate vehicles. In that footage,18 people passed by, but none of them did anything to help this toddler, which causes worldwide outrage. CNN reports that the security footage of the incident has led the nation of 1.3 billion people to do some collective soul-searching.

Read full story here.

April 2010, a homeless man, Hugo Tale-Yax rescued a woman who was being threatened by a man with a knife. The attacker turn on him instead and stabbed him several times - and left. The woman flet the scene too. As the surveillance video show, more than TWO DOZEN people passed by the groaning man, but no one did anything to help. One person even took picture of the man. Hugo eventually bled to death.

Read full story here.

March 1964, Catherine Genovese was about to enter her apartment, when she was stabbed twice in the back. She screamed, but neighbours dismissed it as drunken brawl or lover spat. She collapsed in front of her doorway. The attacker left, only to return 10 minutes later and stabbed her many times more and he even rape her. In the police investigation, 12 people later claimed that they witness the first attack, but they 'just didn't want to get involved'. Catherine died due to the brutal stabbing.

Read full story here.


  1. Sad truth on how people often assumed that someone else is going to do something. In the end, no one did anything.

  2. As a human being I would like to help those are in need and i dont want to be a passer by coz i always have a tendency to help people who are in need regardless of whether i know them or not..
    But being a woman living in this cruel, self centered world filled with monsters on large is very scary. Those days there was truth and genunity in people but nowadays situations are just a bait for helpless victims.
    Honestly speaking I am scared to get out of my car to help someone on the road cause i dont want be a victim of snatch thief or rape case. I dont even trust women who need help becasue every possible way are used as a bait to get victims.
    I am angry about how fast the world is heading to destruction and how I am helpless about the whole thing. I only pray that the world will turn out to be a better place to live in.
