April 5, 2012


** To understand this entry better, read earlier post: “IT WAS NOT ME!! (PART 1)” **

Heni was taken by surprise with the twist of event. 

Heni was sitting in a domestic tribunal facing charges of a crime she did not commit. The tribunal started in the morning and it is now afternoon and they break for lunch. 

After the break, she almost leaped with joy when she was informed that the charges against her have been dropped. She was very happy because this proved that she is innocent. She has successfully proved her defense, added by the fact that the actual perpetrator, Grace, had openly admitted to the crime earlier in the tribunal. And that should be the end of this story. But sadly, it is not... 

The joy was a brief one and here comes the twist.

Although the charges against her were dropped, but they decided to continue with the tribunal with NEW charges. This time, she was accused of being negligence because she did not check what Grace had submitted to the auditors. WHAT NONSENSE!!

She was ambushed!! She was cornered!!

It became more and more obvious throughout the tribunal, that they are NOT interested in ‘finding who is guilty’, but they are ONLY interested in ‘finding her guilty’. She is now convinced that she is fighting a losing battle. Her only hope is for the panels to see beyond the fabricated dramas and realize that she is innocent.

The tribunal ended and Heni realized that she has suffered fierce battle scars.

Scars that will never heal.

She went home with a heavy heart. Her mind was still thinking of the entire event. She continued to pray because she knows that she has done all that she could to defend her honor. There is nothing more she could do, except pray. God knows that she is innocent.

A few days passed by – No news.

During this period of uncertainty, she started to wonder what she has done to deserve this. Being charged with a crime she did not commit, being suspended just a day after her birthday, being treated like a criminal before she was even found guilty, being dragged to a tribunal to prove her innocence when the actual criminal had openly admitted to the crime, being lambasted with heart wrenching accusations from people who she once thought were her friends and she could not sleep well or eat well throughout the whole ordeal. She felt defeated!

After a few days, HR summoned her to their office again. Verdict was verbally delivered – NOT GUILTY!!

Heni was relieved. She was very happy that the entire episode has finally come to a beautiful end. She celebrated. Although the scars may never heal, but it will always remind her of a time when she stood her grounds and fought to defend her honor -- and WON!

She was happy.

As for Grace, the one who actually committed the fraud – weirdly, she suffered nothing! She still has her job and her position. She was not being investigated for that crime she already admitted to. And she was not put to face a tribunal and the possibility of a termination if found guilty.

Double standard perhaps, but Heni is too exhausted to care of what happen to Grace. Karma will eventually catch up with her.

As for life -- it goes on -- like it always does -- since the beginning of time!


  1. its more like being betrayed by our own innocence's

  2. Agreed. Doing the right thing, may not always lead to the right outcome.. but that does not mean we have to stop doing the right thing.
