September 28, 2012

CAKAP DotCOM - Learn to deliver a speech like a TRUE PROFESSIONAL!!

Learn to deliver a speech like a TRUE PROFESSIONAL!! Sharing of knowledge by the Elite Facilitators. Casual attire at an open place surrounded by the green of nature on a peaceful weekend

It's happening very soon at a very affordable fee.

CAKAP DotCOM (S1) Program
Date : 7th October 2012 (Sunday)
Time : 9am - 1pm
Location : Kota Damansara, Selangor.

Invited Elite Facilitators : 
Mazidul Akmal, Omar Abdullah, Zakiah Anas and Kamal Affandi.

Call us at 013-6366673 or drop us an email at '' 

Check this out - here

"I don't have the confident to speak in public"

"I would rather swim across the 7 seas, then give a public speech"

"I always gets nervous every time I was asked to do a presentation"

"I can do speeches, but I am unable to gauge what my audience are thinking when I am delivering a speech" 

"Although I am considered an expert in my field, but I just don't know how to explain things to people"

Sounds familiar? Those are some of the common responses when people are asked to speak in public. Have you ever been asked to give a presentation or a public speech before? 

Learn to deliver a speech like a TRUE PROFESSIONAL with CAKAP DotCOM!!

This is your opportunity to get up, close & personal with some of Malaysia's big names in the mass communication industry, with some of these celebrities having been in the industry for more than 20 years!!

At CAKAP DotCOM, we call these celebrities as the Elite Facilitators.

They are prepared to share their experience and knowledge. Learn from the best and gain many unique tips to help you achieve greater confidence the next time you are asked to deliver a speech. 


Call us at 013-6366673 or drop us an email at '' 

September 24, 2012


For once, I agree with Karpal's effort to table the anti-hopping bill in parliament. 

Karpal Singh

Read more here.

To me as the rakyat, I understand that political parties have different views on things (sometimes on EVERYTHING) and this will translate into policies should they be given the mandate to rule the country. So, they go around spreading their views and plans to convince the people to give them the mandate.

For BN, who is the existing ruling and the only party who have been ruling the country since independence, they rely on their promises kept. They go around telling people that they mean what they say and have not make any big u-turns after any elections. They ask the people to look at their report card and continue to given them the mandate to rule.

For PR, who saw a positive swing in their favor in the last General Election (GE12), they rely on their plans for the future. They have never rule the country, so it is quite difficult for them to show any track record as a ruling party. But they now have at least 1-term report card for those states they currently control. They are going around telling people they can do better than BN and will be able to bring Malaysia to a greater height.

Of course, that is the ideal political scenario. 

But in reality, besides the facts and the figures, some politicians will often resort to slandering, personal attack, threatening, deceiving and bribing in order to gain control. The people's sentiment are often taken for a roller coaster ride, which is a typical atmosphere nearing to GE with both sides of the political divide trying to woe the people.

Now, coming back to the anti-hopping bill and why I support that.

I just described above a typical atmosphere nearing to GE, which normally happens once in every 4 years. And once the people have given the mandate to the party of their choice, the political campaign should stop and everyone should focus on the nation's progress. 

Once election is over, political parties should stop campaigning

But is this happening? No, because Article 10 and 48 of the Federal Constitution allows the elected representative to hop from one party to another. And this hopping sometimes changes entirely the mandate that was given by the people during the poll. I see this Articles as a sweetener to the political parties because they do not have to put any effort to convince the people as they would have to during any election. All they need to do is to convince enough elected representative to hop to their side and change the political power. Simple!

Is this tactic legal? Yes it is, because Article 10 & 48 allows this. 

It this ethical? Absolutely not. The power should remain with the people to elect the party of their choice.

And because of this, the people are always bombarded with none stop political campaign because political parties continuously looking for opportunities to make use of this Article to gain control of the country. In 2008 for example, after GE12, Anwar Ibrahim as the opposition leader has openly declared that they have enough elected representatives, who has given him their commitment to hop to his side and automatically giving his party the mandate to topple the BN government. That captured world wide attention and he continuously gave 16 Sept 2008 as the 'big day'. Although Anwar's 'big day' passes by without any change of government, but it left the people with a realization that their mandate can be made worthless when political parties uses this Article 10 & 48 in the Federal Constitution to entice elected representative to hop.

Anwar Ibrahim said in 2008 "We have the numbers"

And the people are left to wonder, when are these two political sides going to declare a seize fire between them and start building the nation. They can start campaigning again after 4 years, not a problem, but once mandate is given by the people, everyone should respect that and work as one nation.

So, that's why I support the anti-hopping bill.

September 23, 2012


Since getting the support from some political figures in our country, LGBT has now been quite bold. They are going around saying that changes is urgently needed in the Malaysian law to recognize the 'right' of this group. People who practices homosexuality are also coming out in the open now to declare themselves. Some of these political figures supporting this hideous group includes those who claims to be promoting Islam.... SAD!

Read my earlier post on LGBT here.

Islam does not and will never recognize Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgenders. This was specifically the act that Prophet Luth had tried tirelessly asking his people, the Sadoms, to stop. This was specifically the act that got the Sadom people destroyed by Allah SWT.

Prophet Muhammad SAW has warned us of this repeat of history in our time. He said :

"The worse thing I fear happening to my ummah is if they start doing the hideous things the people of Prophet Luth did"
(Narrated by Imam Ahmad)

LGBT are not humanly acts to be claiming for human right. So, stop or you will be stopped. And do not get confused by the statement of people with political agenda.

Earlier - I read with interest, Mazidul Akmal's blog as he made an expose about this gay guy named Tengku Harith. In his FB page, Tengku Harith claims that he is an alumni of Sekolah Menengah Agama Kerajaan Johor (SMAKJ) batch 1998. He mentioned that it was in that religious school that he first experienced homosexuality when he 'fell pray' to a young Ustaz. 

From that first experience with the young Ustaz, Tengku Harith said that he was forever changed to homosexuality - he got addicted! 

Read more on this expose here.

Tengku Harith also claimed that he used to be a 'Pegawai Agama negeri Selangor' (Selangor Religious Officer), but currently working at Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar. And one of his comment indicated that he was having homosex with his boss.

Questions : 
Was he really an alumni of a religious school?? 
Was he really a Religious officer in Selangor??
Did he really had a homosexual affair with his boss??
Or was this just an attempt to smear Islam and further confuse the public?

After the expose by Mazidul, Tengku Harith's FB page received tremendous attention from the public. In the afternoon, he was reported to have removed the school name and also the Religious Officer in Selangor title from his FB. In the evening, he totally closed his FB page. Bravo, Mazidul!

But I am not sure if we have seen the last of him.. We'll see.

September 20, 2012

Prophet Insulting video "Innocence of Muslims" is not just a Muslim problem

It's been a while since I blog, but the making of the video 'Innocence of Muslims' have really bothered me. The video was written and directed by this individual named Sam Bacile (Real name - Nakoula Basseley Nakoula), an Egyptian-born Coptic Christian currently living in California, America.

Sam Bacile

After watching the video, I can understand why Muslims around the world are angered by this video. It is a total insult to all Muslims. And for what purpose? Why would anyone want to insult our prophet? 

I can't speak for other religion, but in Islam we are taught to respect others of a different religion. This is clearly stated in the Holy Quran...

Having said that and having a lot of non-Muslim friends, I believe that no religion in this world teaches or allows its people to mock anyone, let alone a prophet of another religion. Although Sam Bacile is a Coptic Christian, I will not be going around and release my anger to all Coptic Christian or Christians generally because I know that Sam Bacile did not make the video based on Christian's teachings. I am very sure of that.

In recent years, I have read of how Muslims and Coptic Christians live harmoniously.

1. A week after the 2010 New Year's eve attack on the Coptic Orthodox Church is the city of Alexandria, thousands of Muslims stood as human shield outside churches to protect their Coptic Christian friends as they attend the Christmas Masses on January 6 & 7, 2011.

2. In the midst of the 2011 Egyptian Revolution, Coptic Christians were seen to hold hands to provide protective cordon around their Muslim neighbors during solat (Muslim prayers).

If Muslims and Coptic Christian in other places protect each other, why would Sam Bacile want to made that insulting video? What was he hoping for? And he even cheated his actors and actresses into thinking that they were actually making a totally different film called "Desert Warrior", which has no reference whatsoever to any religion. The actors and actresses were shocked when this film was released, but they are powerless to stop it. click here

If there is any Coptic Christian reading this - I would love hear your view on Sam Bacile. But I truly believe that Sam Bacile's action has nothing to do with his religion.

I am blessed to be a Malaysian, where people of different religion and race can live alongside each other harmoniously. I have a lot of non-Muslim friends and I am proud of that. We have always been respectful of each other, especially on matters of religion.

This insulting video is not just a Muslim problem. It has no morale or religious standing. It should be condemn by all humans regardless of religion, race or nationality.