March 21, 2012

Enter the blogging world

This is going to be just a short entry to get My World started.

Blogging - is such a popular word now. It is considered the 'new media' that has created such a phenomenon, especially in the last dacade. It actually brought back the same atmosphere when printed media first came into existance way back then. Printed media has no doubt stamped their existance and influence in history. Writers in the printed medias (usually more popular by their pen-name) are sometimes regarded as national heros in some countries because of the impact they have made in shaping the history. Well, history for us, but they were writing, they were actually shaping the future. Now, bloggers are taking the lead for information drive in the new millennium.

For myself, I have enjoyed writing since my school years. Not very often and not for publishing, but just to capture that thought I have at that moment. I have a collection of my own thoughts that I wrote / type from time to time. As I look back on some of the 'articles' that I have wrote in the past; some made me smile, some made me miss the 'old days', some are still thought provoking and it actually re-ignite my thinking process on the matter and some I now realised that I have a different perception on. Well, that just goes to prove that our thoughts are influence by our experiences and also the current atmosphere.

A friend recently suggested that I try blogging since writing is something that I enjoy doing anyway. So, here I am creating my own blog and sharing my thoughts on matters that matters to me.

Welcome to My World!! :)

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