May 4, 2012


** Read my earlier post on Nayati's abduction here **

I am sure you would have already read or heard by now the wonderful news about Nayati's return to his family. A news that give relief, not only to Nayati and his family, but also everyone around the world who have been following the development of Nayati's abduction.  Nayati was earlier abducted on 27th April 2012, while he was walking to school that Friday morning. The news of his abduction quickly spreads throughout the world. Support and well-wishes poured in. I trailed many other and wrote about the abduction with hope that maybe of of my reader has any information on the abduction.
Thank god the nightmare finally ended. On 3rd May 2012, after almost a week of traumatic and uncertainty, the world was pleasantly surprised and relieved to the news of Nayati's release.

(To read the news in NST, click here)


Moodliar's family's spokesman has this to say : 

"We are delighted to tell you that Nayati is back home with us and although it has obviously been a very traumatic time for him, he appears at this stage to be in good shape. We cannot begin to say how proud we are of him and the way that he has coped with the events of the past week. We have been overwhelmed by the support we have received from all our friends here in Kuala Lumpur and all over the world. We are unable to find words to express our gratitude but we will never forget what they did for us.Even more surprising, because it was so unexpected, has been the support of people whom we have never met - and are never likely to meet - in countries as far away as Zambia and the USA, who have offered their time, skills and, in many cases, money, without any expectation of any form of compensation. We are so grateful for their help"

"We also appreciate very much the tremendous practical and moral support we have received from the Netherlands Embassy and in particular the Ambassador, Mr Paul Bekkers. With his help we were able to surmount some “interesting” technical problems"

"Finally we would like to express our gratitude to the Government of Malaysia, specifically the Royal Malaysian Police. Their number one priority from the start has been the safe return of Nayati and they have been most careful not to do anything that might have jeopardize his safety. We have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy our stay in this wonderful country. As we are sure you will understand, Nayati's kidnapping is the subject of an on going investigation. So, we are unfortunately not at liberty to reveal any of the details of the case at this stage"

There will be a press conference on Friday. Details to follow.
Thank you.

Shyam Priah

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