November 1, 2012


I read the books 'Dare To Fail' by Billi Lim and 'Who Moved My Cheese?' by Dr Spencer Johnson a few years ago, and I had the privilege of reading them again recently.

Excellent books which I would recommend to everyone.

These books talk about changes in life and how many of us would rather hang on to our old methods and easily get panic when changes happen. Think about it, what dreams and fantasies have we put aside to settle for a routine that we are already familiar with, although deep down, we know that we can do more or deserve more?

Yes, indeed we may have put a lot of effort into stabilizing our lives. So, why on earth would we want to go through that period of uncertainty again just to chase after a dream, right? Well, that's a valid question. But we hardly want to hear the answer because our mind is already made up and we are staying put!

The good news is I am not going to elaborate too much about these books. I shall leave it in your hands to decide if it would be worth a read. What I would like to point out is the misconceptions that many people have gotten from these books (through no fault of the authors of course).

I have heard many people quoted the title of these books, without really understanding the content. Let me say that the book 'Dare to Fail' is NOT a book about how to fail with style, but rather it talks about having that confident to pursue a quest or a dream, even if failure is one of the possible outcome. Likewise, the book 'Who Moved My Cheese?' is NOT a book about being greedy and blindly moving about in life from one dream to another, but rather it talks about the courage and the mindset towards changes in life.

I am afraid that these misconceptions could lead to a disastrous outcome, rather than what those books are intended for.

Humans has the capability of learning from our mistakes.

Remember how we learn how to walk? Well, maybe we can't remember our own experience, but look at how babies learn how to walk. They have to fall down a couple of times first before they could finally properly walk, right?

Remember how we learn to avoid dangers? Out of curiosity as a child, we tend to venture into things that could really hurt us - poking the electrical sockets, touching a hot plate, running on a slippery surface, playing in the rain or taking other people's things without permission. Not knowing that those are potential dangers, we were sometimes surprised to suddenly get scolding for doing those things, remember? Again, if we can't remember our own childhood, then look at the children's faces now when they get scolding for doing something that is harmful. They looked so innocent as if they did not know that those things are dangerous. The fact is, they REALLY did not know! But they will learn from that experience and will avoid doing those things again.

Remember how we learn how to ride a bicycle? We have to endure falling down a couple of times first before we could finally ride the bicycle properly. On this, let me share my own experience. I learned how to ride a bicycle first before learning to use the breaks. 

Funny story - Although I knew the function of the break, but I always use my feet as breaks. On a flat ground, that is not a problem. One day, going down a hill, my bicycle gained speed and I got panic. It did not immediately occur to me to use the hand break to slow down the speed. As always, I used my feet instead. Boy, my bicycle wobbled so bad that day. And for some reason, only then did it suddenly triggered me to use the hand break. So, in that wobbling situation, I squeezed the hand break and the bike stopped!

Big mistake!!

It immediately threw me forward. I flew in the air and then rolled down the rest of the way to the bottom of the hill. Before I could pick myself up, the bike which was rolling down after me, landed directly on me. An experience I can never forget.

This is not me! Just a photo I pick from internet to illustrate my point

Well, enough of going down memory lane. The point is, it is a natural talent of humans to learn from mistakes. We learn so much as a child and we progressed so much into adulthood. But as we grow up, we somehow stopped learning. Agree? Disagree? Well, hear me out.

When was the last time we really made a mistake and learn from it?

Have we really conquered perfection that we no longer make mistakes in our lives?

Or it is because we are afraid of making mistakes that we avoid things altogether?

But wait! Don't be too quick to take the plunge. Before we start making changes in our lives blindly, think about it and plan for it. Seek out as many information as we can to make an informed decision. After that is done, HAVE THAT COURAGE to make changes and continue to seek for a better life.

That is what it is all about!


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