January 29, 2014


Ex-ADUN of Kajang

It is absolutely inconceivable to think how Lee Chin Cheh, an ADUN (State Assemblyman), who was just elected by the people less than a year ago, could easily betrayed the trust of the people by vacating his seat without any logical reason.

Mind you, "For the greater good of Pakatan Rakyat" as Lee puts it, is hardly a reason at all.

He may think that the people is blind, but we know better. 

It is an open secret that there is a glaring power struggle in the leadership of the Selangor Government. Lee's resignation as the ADUN of Kajang is actually just a piece of a bigger 'strategy' in motion.

So, let's try to put pieces together.

On one hand, we have Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, a corporate-turn-politician figure, who is now the Menteri Besar of Selangor. He is on his second term in that position after Pakatan Rakyat won the state again in the 13th General Election (GE13). Khalid is well-known to all as the proxy of PKR President, Dr Wan Azizah, who is also the wife of Opposition Leader, Anwar Ibrahim.

On the other hand, we have Azmin Ali (a.k.a Si Tanggang - click here), who have been loyal to Anwar since their days in UMNO many years ago. Azmin is now the Deputy President of PKR. He is said to hold a lot of Anwar's secrets, making Anwar vulnerable to Azmin's every demands.

However, making Azmin the Menteri Besar of Selangor is a demand that Anwar finds difficult to fulfill. 

After GE13 last May, Azmin disappointedly disclosed that he was verbally promised by Anwar himself, the position of Menteri Besar Selangor should PR wins the state in that election. GE13 came and go, and PR did win Selangor with an increased number of assemblymen, but Azmin was never made the Menteri Besar as promised. 

Since then, it is said that Azmin have been bugging PKR leadership to make him the Menteri Besar of Selangor as promised. This obviously does not jell well with Khalid's camp.

And the Azmin-Khalid friction became more and more obvious by the day.

Another piece of this puzzle is PKR's allay, PAS, who was actually the REAL HERO for PR in Selangor in the last election when they won 15 constituencies, as compared to PKR who had a reduced number of reps to 14 assemblymen. Technically, Selangor should have been a PAS-led state. But mysteriously, PAS never stood up for their rights and allowed Khalid to be sworn in as the Menteri Besar for the second term. Together with DAP, PAS have nominated and seal the deal for Khalid to remain as Menteri Besar of Selangor after GE13, of course to the dismay of Azmin, who have been eyeing on that post.

This puts Anwar in a tight spot. Although Anwar is seen to be favoring Azmin as the Menteri Besar, but ousting Khalid, who received support from PAS, DAP and also a known proxy to his president wife, will be a big challenge.

A few months back, out of the blue - suddenly there were rumors going around saying that Khalid's time as Menteri Besar is almost up. People are saying that it is just a matter of time before he will be kicked out from that position. 

All eyes were on Azmin, the obvious! But of course, these rumors were denied.

This eventually led to the shameful resignation of Lee Chin Cheh, the ADUN of Kajang. He is still alive and healthy, and without providing any justified reason - he just resigned. An absolute betrayal of the people's trust.

To the surprise of many, Anwar Ibrahim was named as the PR's candidate to contest in the by election in Kajang, giving strength to the rumors of Anwar overthrowing Khalid as the Menteri Besar. This is really a downgrade from Anwar's lifetime ambition of becoming the next Prime Minister. 

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim

Interestingly, Lee's resignation and Anwar's candidacy in N25 DUN Kajang was done is such a hurry and filled with mysteries. Even top leadership of Pakatan Rakyat were blind-sided on this matter.

Among others..

Azmin Ali was absent during the press conference where Anwar was named as the candidate for Kajang. This definitely raised a lot of eye brows. When asked by reporters if he support Anwar's candidacy for Kajang, Azmin did not give a direct answer, but instead he said that the decision have already been made and described himself as 'small man' and that his opinion does not matter.

Click here.

Lim Guan Eng, who is the Secretary General of DAP and the Chift Minister of Penang, said that he only found out about the vacancy in Kajang and Anwar's candidacy through the media. 

Click here.

Nasrudin Tantawi, a member of PAS Central Committee, who is also the Head of PAS Youth wing, came out with guns blazing, condemning the development after hearing about Lee's betrayal to the people and Anwar's candidacy for Kajang through the media. He went on even further than other leaders by calling it HARAM.

Click here.

Besides the leaders, the people have also came out to voiced out their surprise and frustration on the development in Kajang. Almost immediately after Anwar was named as the candidate, netizens started to post protest and questions over this announcement.

Absolute waste of people's money to have an absolutely unnecessary by election!

Has Anwar given up hope of ever capturing Putrajaya and becoming the PM? 

Anwar the magician!

Is Anwar confident enough that the people in Kajang will be blinded by the betrayal of Lee Chin Cheh, to then put Lee's boss as the ADUN there? 

This is just an attempt to divert our attention from Anwar's upcoming court case for liwat - Simple!!

Is Azmin part of this masterplan or is he being played again? 

What is to happen to the PKR-PAS-DAP coalition, when the Menteri Besar of their choice, Khalid, is threatened to be removed by just one man?

People of Kajang need to say it loud and clear:

"We will not allow power-hungry politicians to treat us like pawns on a chess board. The betrayal of Lee and PKR is absolutely unacceptable! ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!"

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