March 24, 2012


Last Saturday afternoon, my wife and I went to Menara TM in Jalan Pantai Baharu to attend an Islamic Forum. The panelists were Ustaz Don Daniel and Ustazah Nor Hafizah Musa. Both panelists are well-known celebrities having appeared in many Islamic programs on TV before.

The forum is entitled "Am I Qualified for Heaven?". Really catchy title!

I am not going to write about the forum from end to end because I don't think I remember everything, but I'll share some memory snapshots that I have about the forum.

The moderator started the forum by asking the panelists - How big is Heaven?
Ustaz Don said that he knows that the Heaven is huge, but with his limitation, he will not be able to describe with precision of the size of heaven. He reminded us that Allah has said in the Holy Book Al Quran that Heaven is nothing like what we imagine in our heads, not something that can ever be described and nothing like what we have felt or taste before. But we can still try to imagine non-the-less. He then quoted verses of Quran and Hadith that could help us imagine how huge the heaven is.

Firstly he said, the heaven is definitely bigger then earth because it could fit all of human beings and all of Jinn since our very existence. Then, each 'resident' of heaven will have at least 10 thousand servants to serve their needs, which will also fit comfortably in heaven. Then, there are the angels that will be our companion there, and then there are all sorts of castles, trees, fruits and rivers.

In short, it is EXTREMELY HUGE!!

When it was Ustazah Hafizah's turn,  she told us of a description of how big the heaven is. She also started off by saying that she doesn't know how big the heaven is, but she knows of this castle in heaven.

So, let’s just talk about that castle she said...

  • The size of this one castle is as big as 70 states.
  • Each state has 70 huge houses
  • Each house has 70 huge rooms
  • Each room has 70 huge beds
  • Each bed has 70 stacks
  • Each stack will be given 70 meals
  • Each meal has 70 types of food
Big castle, huh? Well, that huge castle doesn't even begin to describe how big the heaven is...

Love the Prophet
Is is narrated that one day, a man asked the Prophet with excitement when is Akhirat going to be? The Prophet replied - Only Allah knows that. Then the Prophet asked the man, what have you done to prepare yourself for Akhirat? The man honestly said that he does not have much deed, but he loves the Prophet and is always trying to emulate the prophet's sunnah. He knows that Allah has promised that we will be with the people we love in Akhirat.

So, love the Prophet and emulate his sunnah.

Night Prayers
The judgement day is full with humans and jinn. Imagine that all humans will be brought back to live to face this judgement day. EVERYONE since the beginning of time will be judged, one by one. Imagine if you are at the very end of that line. It is narrated that those who spend a portion of night to offer prayers will be given an 'express ticket' on the judgement day to be judged early.

Parents of Good People
Some of us are worried that we have wasted our time with all sort of sins and don't know how to turn our lives around. Consider being a good parent as a starting point. It is said that if someone can memorize the Quran, his parents will be given a very beautiful crown on their heads. And the crown is so shiny that it is more bright then the sun itself.

When we die, our opportunity to add our deeds will be stopped, except for 3 things:

1. Useful knowledge that is being used - So, every time someone we taught uses the knowledge we share, then our deeds will be added as if we are the one doing the deeds itself. If we are not teaching anyone else, at least teach our children.

2. Beneficial Jariah - Every donation that we have given during our lifetime will be added to our deeds every time that donation give benefits to anyone. If we don't have much to offer to others, at least spend on the well being of our children.

3. Prayers from our children - Everytime our children pray for us, it will be heard.

So, if we feel that we are unable to do everything ourselves, then do it for our children and we will find that Allah is  most merciful.

Well, that's all that I can share in this entry. May we find a bit of guidance from this. :)


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