March 21, 2012

The Future Is Now

Recently ASTRO have been showing the re-run of "Back to the Future - Part I, II & III". It actually brought me back to my childhood! This film was released in 1985. At that time, I was still in my primary school years. I remember how at that time, every boy in school wants to be Marty McFly. The idea of time travel have always interest me. How I wish I can see what the future holds and how I wish I could go back in time to repair the 'mistakes' that I have made. Hmm.. Come to think about it, at the age of 8 years old, how much of 'mistakes' could I have committed?? Hehe.. But of course, as a child every little problem seems so huge at that time. As we grow older, we will realise that there are bigger issues to deal with than 'whose color pencil set is better'.

Well, that's the overall feelings that I got from watching the re-run of Back to the Future. But the reason I am writing this entry is because of Part II. Where in that installment, Marty travelled to the future to stop his future son from getting involved with Biff Tannen's (the villain) grandson, Griff. When he got to the future, there were flying cars, hoverboards, jackets that auto-adjust to fit our body by a simple press of a button on the jacket, floating fruit platter that serves frush fruits straight from the tree. Very futuristic imagination, but GUESS WHAT.. that future that Marty travelled to is actually 2015!! Wait a sec..that is just another 3 years down the road!! Then it hit me, we are already living 'in the future'. I quickly try to remember how was it 30 years ago. Have we really progressed? Has anything changed? I am yet to see any flying cars and all the other gedget that the film potrayed 'the future' to be, but we have indeed progressed. Life is very much different now. And the changes does not stop at infrasturture alone. Our values have changed, our lifestyle have changed, even the way we raise our kids now are very much different then the way we were raised.

So, now that I have seen 'the future', I find myself asking the same question I asked 30 years ago - "How will the future looks like??". And the journey continues.................

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