April 23, 2012


I can say that I am one of Astro's loyal customers. I have been a subscriber since I started working way back then, but it frustrates me sometimes.

Question 1: How long have Astro been in operation? It was launched in 1996.. that is 16 years!!

Question 2: How often does it rain in Malaysia? Everyday!!

(Ok.. maybe not EVERY-day, but about 15 days a month.. sounds about right?)

If you still have to ask what is the relation between my Question 1 and Question 2 - then I am guessing that you are not an Astro subscriber. So, let me point out that Astro signal gets interrupted EVERY time it rains!

Can you believe that even after almost 2 decade in operation, Astro still could not guarantee an uninterrupted service for their paying customers??

Yes, customers paid for the subscription.. for the service.

Astro is very quick to bar the subscription for those customers who neglected to pay their subscription bill. Well, I have nothing against that. 

But what happen when the customer frequently get interrupted service? Perhaps, Astro should start giving rebate to their customers every time they suffer interrupted service.. How about that?

I think that's fair!!

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